Meet our new Recruitment and Onboarding Manager

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We are thrilled to welcome Dominique Galetto as the new Recruitment and Onboarding Manager at Cornucopia. Bringing a wealth of experience from her previous roles in recruitment and HR operations, Dominique is set to make a significant impact in our team.

Dominique’s career journey has seen her transition from a recruitment assistant in a large med-tech organisation to a role focused on candidate care. She has a rich background in HR Operations, overseeing the full spectrum from recruitment to onboarding, employee management, and retention strategies. In search of more sunshine and to be closer to family, Dominique moved from Sydney to Brisbane at the end of 2022 and proudly calls it her new home.

We asked Dominique a few questions to help you get to know her better.

Q: What makes Cornucopia a great place to work?

Cornucopia’s mission and values resonate deeply with me, and that drives me to excel every day. The team’s unity in achieving results and the company culture are aspects I deeply appreciate. As someone who loves interacting with people, I find our office’s vibrant environment incredibly energising.

Q: What does your day-to-day role involve?

My role is all about connecting with people. From interviewing candidates to devising strategies for attracting top talent, I’m deeply involved in every aspect. I’m particularly passionate about the induction process, emphasising training, mentorship, and development to ensure our team members are happy and successful.

Q. What are some things your new colleagues should know about you?

My favorite food is chocolate, specifically Cadbury plain dairy milk. I love running and being active outdoors (especially with my two beautiful dogs). There are two quotes I live by: “What comes around goes around” and “You can do anything you put your mind to.”

Q: What qualities do you look for in potential candidates?

I value passion, hard work, strong communication skills, and the ability to listen and engage. A willingness to learn, grow, and accept feedback is crucial. I believe in George Gallup’s philosophy of a strengths-based culture as a key to attracting and nurturing talent.

Q: How can people reach out to you for career opportunities at Cornucopia?

Candidates can connect with me via LinkedIn, email me at, or apply through Seek. I’m always eager to discuss opportunities with interested individuals.