Cornucopia Consultancy is excited to announce a new opportunity in Western Australia!
That’s right – the World Wildlife Fund Australia is back on our F2F client roster for 2018!
Founded in Australia in 1978, WWF has been instrumental in major conservation programs and legislation, helping to establish initiatives ranging from increased governmental protection of the Great Barrier Reef to protecting a multitude of native Australian fauna from de-forestation and feral species.
Cornucopia was fortunate to work with WWF Australia back in 2005, connecting again from 2014 to 2016. Our partnership with this incredible organisation continues to flourish, and we’re pleased to be back on the campaign in Western Australia from August 2018!
We’re once again joining the fight to save critically endangered species across Australia and the world, focusing specifically on Tigers, Orangutans, Marine Turtles, the Giant Panda and the Black-flanked Rock Wallaby.
While the opportunity to represent iconic animals is fantastic, the most exciting aspect of this campaign is how it empowers donors. With clearly defined goals and proven strategies to achieve them, it’s easy for potential givers to see exactly how their regular gift will be making an impact to the animals they care the most about.
WWF is an amazing charity representing a powerful cause. Add a passionate fundraiser to the mix and you’ve got a truly potent concoction!
With our team kicking off in Perth from the 13th of August, this is an excellent opportunity for Western Wildlife Warriors to jump on board and use your voice to change the world.